Saturday, December 3, 2011

Life Lessons

Life is funny.  I realize you all probably have already grasped the concept of irony but I'm a little slow sometimes.  See, I've been thinking that I need to get busy working on my blog.  In fact, I went to all the trouble of Big Shot-ing all the letters to make my back window on my car have all my blog info so that I could advertise every day.  (Much to the chagrin of my wonderful, doting husband, who swears that I made the Charger drive slower by turning it into a "mom-car." lol)  Anyway, it looks great!

I did all this work in August... Before my surgery, with the full intention of building my online business; and I really would like to do that.  Unfortunately, since September 1st, I have done very little work if any and paid very little attention to my blog; A habit I very much intend to change.

But, I digress...  I actually have a really great story to tell everyone...

Last week I took the kiddo to see Breaking Dawn.  On the way, we're laughing, listening to the soundtrack, having a big ol' time when I look up and there he is... A cop car.  Naturally I immediately check my speed... huh, only 45 this time.  Yay, me! When he pulled out behind me I started to panic but he didn't turn on his lights so, hey, I must be in the clear.  The Girlie and I continue our serenade to all things Edward and Bella.  And then it happened. There's the lights I dread.  Ugh.  I'm busted.

So, while the officer got out and walked up to my window, I started digging for my license and insur... UGH! I changed bags before I left, my insurance card was in the front pocket of the wallet I usually carry. Nice.
"Ma'am, do you not pay any attention at all?? You were going 44 in a 30."
"Yes, sir.  I'm really sorry.  Um, I don't have my insurance card..."
"That's fine; I can look it up."

After the longest 5 minutes ever, he walked back up to my window, "Ma'am, what is this on the back of your car here... What's the Rubber Room?"
Well, of course I had to give him a catalog! Imagine my relief when, after I gave him my full 3 minute Stampin' Up! spiel, he only gave me a warning!  He even asked about classes and asked to keep the catalog!  What are the chances?!?!

So, THANK YOU, Officer J. Smith!  An outing that could have been miserable turned into a funny story to post on my blog! :-)  And to express my full gratitude, I have a very special discount just for you! If, in fact, you actually do read this, I would like to offer you a 30% discount on your first order!

And to my downline, the moral of the story here... Ask EVERYONE! And always keep cattys with you.  You never know when you'll be glad you did!

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