Friday, March 30, 2012

Fast Friday

I really like the fast, simple cards.  At swaps, in magazines, I'm always drawn to the clean lines and uncluttered look of a simple card.  It's just a bonus that these are typically fast and easy cards also.  So today I wanted to show you a really quick put together I found on Pinterest.   (I think it was pinterest.  It may have been on another of the many sites I visit regularly. ;-T) Anyway, its a great layout.  It can easily be adapted for any sentiment or season depending on what colors you choose.

I love this card!! I can't tell you exactly how long it took because I tend to measure time in songs-played. I know, I'm weird.  This card took about 3 songs to make.  That includes cutting paper, choosing the stamp set and choosing colors.  And if you know how long it takes for me to make a decision these days, you can really appreciate how quick that was! ;-) 

I used Crumb Cake for a base and stamped my Happy Birthday, (from Sweet Cake in the Occasions Mini,) in Early Espresso ink onto Very Vanilla.  Then I just added some scraps in Cherry Cobbler, More Mustard, Garden Green, Not Quite Navy, and more Crumb Cake.  Super easy!

Hope you enjoy! Until tomorrow...

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