Monday, March 19, 2012

Halleluia!!! Halleluia!!

I'm baaa-aack! Finally, after a month without my computer, it arrived home this morning.  I have so much to catch up on!!
First things first... March's blog candy... (drum roll, please...) Congratulations to Linda in Waxahachie! You win 2 rolls of 1/8" organdy ribbon!! Linda won by signing up to receive my blog updates by email.  I will do this drawing every month so sign up today by clicking on the left and add your information.  :-)

And... Since I'm so excited to be able to blog again; why don't we do an extra drawing in celebration of the return of the laptop??  Congratulations to Tammy in Midlothian!! You win a roll of Daffodil Delight grosgrain!

Ahhh, that was fun!  Remember to sign up for your chance to win! My next drawing will be in just a couple of weeks so hurry, hurry, hurry!!

Until tomorrow...

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